
    Your Daily Amazon Best Practices Punch List

    June 24, 2022
    Your Daily Amazon Best Practices Punch List

    This post has been updated and originally published June 2022.

    Ever feel like your Amazon team is constantly reacting? Or Amazon is moving so fast it’s difficult for your team to get its feet under it? Here are 7 daily to-dos that have helped leading consumer brands grow sales and share profitably on Amazon.


    #1 File tickets on third party (3P) variations.

    Check for 3P variations added to your Amazon Standard ID Numbers (ASINs) by unauthorized sellers and file a ticket to have them removed. These variations can cause customer confusion, create brand perception issues, and leak revenue.

    #2 File tickets on out of stock (OOS) and unavailable ASINs with inventory.

    Identify as soon as possible that you’re nearing OOS or unavailability status in order to initiate next steps before you’re unexpectedly unable.

    #3 File tickets on Purchase Order (PO) discrepancies.

    Sellers take responsibility for sorting through any discrepancies, so the sooner you identify and file a ticket, the sooner you can reconcile any overlooked issues that could affect PO fill rates, etc.

    #4 Check Vendor Central Case Log.

    Resolve cases for unavailable ASINs awaiting action as soon as possible, especially any “Customer Complaints.” These can deter first-time or repeat business and erode brand perception.

    #5 Check on dramatic increases or decreases in sales.

    Sort products by Change in Revenue ($) to see the biggest swings and read through corresponding recommendations to investigate and identify the story behind these swings.

    #6 Create a “No-target” list for products that have changed status.

    Notify your ad team of any out-of-stock (OOS), predicted OOS, Can’t Realize a Profit (CRaP) unavailable or Suppressed ASIN items so you don’t create campaigns to promote those products as they will be paused by Amazon.

    #7 Create a priority advertising list.

    Focus on products that could benefit from added advertising, including those which have just entered or exited Page 1 search results for important category keywords. Watch for new competitive products, or capitalize on others going out of stock.

    Need help with optimizing your Amazon listing? Book a demo with one of our experts today!



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