
    [eBook] Boost your Amazon 1P Profit Guaranteed

    August 30, 2022

    Revenue Recovery eBook

    Hey ,

    Is your team manually disputing shortages and chargebacks? If so, you’re leaving lots of revenue on the table. Manually disputing invoices is an expensive time suck, prone to human error. Automating the recovery enables 100% auto disputing with up to 70% recovery rate. In fact, one brand recovered $2M in 90 days!

    Get our ebook now to get educated on revenue recovery:

    • Better understand where shortage and chargeback fees come from
    • Evaluate the solutions available for recovering revenue
    • Explore how you can boost your profit in 90 days by automating 100% of disputes

    Education is the first step toward increased profits!

    Special Promotion

    Boost your Amazon 1P Profit by 1 % or More Guaranteed

    • Improve Amazon Shortages and Chargebacks recoveries by 1% of COGS or more within 4 months
    • Dispute 100% of Shortages without manual effort
    • Receive faster payments from disputed invoices
    • Start your no-risk trial and increase your bonus


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