
    July Newsletter

    July 28, 2022

    Retail Ecommerce News and Insights

    Tune in below for trends, insights, news, upcoming events, research, and more!

    Limited Offer

    We’ll review your Amazon Advertising for free

    We want to help you crush your annual goals even faster. And we’re offering you a second set of eyes and expert opinion at no cost. For a limited time, we’re offering an Amazon advertising analysis to highlight the best opportunities to make this year your best.

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    CommerceIQ Acquisition Spotlight

    CommerceIQ acquires e.fundamentals to reach over 450 retailers globally with digital shelf analytics technology

    The acquisition integrates e.fundamentals’s Digital Shelf Analytics for over 450 retailers in 41 countries with the intelligent automation of the CommerceIQ Retail Ecommerce Management Platform to provide a winning formula to drive profitability and market share for consumer brands.

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    Prime Day Highlights

    Prime Day 2022 – What Happened?

    Prime Day 2022 held a a few surprises as Amazon tweaked its strategy to allow for growth and higher shopper engagement. Glean high level insights relevant for planning the rest of 2022.

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    New Partnership

    CommerceIQ selected as a Walmart Connect partner to unlocks profitable market share growth for consumer brands

    CommerceIQ is now fully integrated with Walmart Connect APIs and offers automated management of Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brand Amplifier advertising with retail-optimized automation of Walmart full funnel search and display advertising campaigns.

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    New Role

    Kal Raman joins CommerceIQ as President, positioning the company for rapid growth in Retail Ecommerce Management

    The veteran ecommerce leader and former Amazon and Walmart executive will lead CommerceIQ’s product strategy, research and development, and customer success functions, as well as support the company’s global expansion and go-to-market strategies.

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    On-Demand This Month

    CommerceIQ Live: How Retail Brands can Prepare for RecessionPrime Day Predictions

    The world is bracing for stagflation as shoppers may pull back on spending. Brands can take steps now to prep for falling spend and be more prepared than the competition.

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    See The Power of Growth

    CommerceIQ supports all major online retailers


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