
    Webinar | Live | 9 Ecommerce Predictions to Prepare for in 2023

    December 1, 2022

    You’re Invited

    Are you prepared for 2023?

    Get ready with our upcoming ecommerce predictions webinar

    The new year is coming. We know how difficult it has been to navigate this rapidly changing world. To help you succeed, we’re hosting a webinar to cover our predictions and offer advice from a seasoned veteran. Will you join us?

    9 Ecommerce Predictions to Prepare for in 2023

    1 p.m. EST (10 a.m. PST) Wednesday, December 14

    Is this webinar for me? VPs of Ecommerce, their sales and marketing team members, and anyone else interested in what’s shaping ecommerce will find this of value.

    What will I learn? We’ll cover 3 shopper, 3 brand, and 3 retailer trends with insights on how customer behavior is changing, how brands will evolve their tactical strategies, and retailers’ response to these pressures. See who’s speaking.

    What else is in it for me? All registrants will get the full copy of our 2023 report before it hits the public. And there’s more! All attendees will gain exclusive early access to our newly released, no-cost competitive category analysis dashboard.

    We hope to see you there!


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