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    April 8, 2024

    📖 EMARKETER & CommerceIQ enters partnership for Retail Media Insights

    EMARKETER, the leading research firm, provides forecasts, data and insights from carefully vetted data sources. It is a go-to resource for business insights, and we’re excited that the platform now includes our industry-leading retail media intelligence.

     📰 Blogs

    The Future of Retail Search: Adapting to Generative AI Search

    AI-driven retail search, like Amazon’s Rufus, revolutionizes online shopping. Brands must optimize content, use ratings, and fight counterfeits to thrive in this digital retail era…. Read more

    Thriving in Ecommerce in the Era of Temu & White Label Competitors

    Established brands must adapt to competitors like Temu and white labels in e-commerce by prioritizing quality content, strategic retail media, and clear value propositions… Read more

    Mastering Psychology: Building an Expert RAG with Mistral-7B and LangChain

    RAG models enrich AI assistants with personalized advice from psychology literature, revolutionizing digital support akin to a human psychologist… Read more

    Revolutionizing Consumer Brand Strategies with Digital Shelf Analytics

    CommerceIQ’s DSA optimizes brand strategies with actionable insights, broad coverage, and AI-driven automations, enhancing digital retail profitability… Read more

    🗞️ Retail Ecommerce News

    🗞️ CommerceIQ in the News

    VML Augments Digital Commerce Partnership with CommerceIQ’s Unified Artificial Intelligence Platform

    VML and CommerceIQ partner to boost digital commerce with AI-driven insights for optimized brand performance…. Read more

    Retail Media’s New Secret Weapon Is Incremental ROAS

    Himanshu Jain, VP of Product at CommerceIQ, was quoted by Adweek in this news piece…. Read more


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