Auto Disputes:
Automate and simplify your shortage dispute process. Our system automatically gathers supporting documents, fills out dispute forms, and manages submissions and follow-ups for every invoice. With CommerceIQ, clients experience comprehensive dispute management, ensuring every invoice gets the attention it needs for maximum recovery.
Shortage Driver Diagnostics:
Identify and address the underlying causes of shortage disputes. Our advanced diagnostics tools help you understand and reduce future shortages, freeing up valuable resources. With CommerceIQ, you can recover up to 70% of lost EBITDA and save over 1000 FTE labor hours, ensuring you retain your hard-earned revenue.
Shortage Control Center:
Enhance your revenue recovery and boost productivity with a clear overview of all your shortage disputes. Our intuitive dashboard provides consolidated insights into every managed dispute by ASIN, offering real-time updates and complete transparency throughout the resolution process.
Take action on Co-op Deductions:
Obtain a detailed understanding of co-op deductions imposed by Amazon. Our platform helps you discern between valid and invalid deductions, allowing you to evaluate their overall impact on your business metrics and make informed decisions.
Chargeback Disputes:
Effortlessly dispute chargebacks related to Rejected PO Rate, PO On Time, and ASIN accuracy. Our user-friendly dashboard categorizes chargebacks and highlights key drivers, providing summarized updates on disputes and recoveries, streamlining your chargeback management process.