Refreshing the digital shelf
Optimizing shopper ratings and reviews

Learn how the UK’s number one brand for organic baby food worked with CommerceIQ to achieve their ambitious ratings and reviews targets.
The UK’s number one brand for organic baby food, toddler and baby snacks and finger foods set themselves a commercial objective of achieving a minimum of 12 reviews per SKU and an average of 4.5 stars.
As it stood, some products had plenty of reviews and above 4.5 ratings, others SKUs were struggling in garnering ratings or review, or both. Plenty of reviews were being left on the manufacturer’s D2C site, but this wasn’t helping with conversion at a retailer level. The teams were unsure how best to address the challenge so they approached CommerceIQ to help them achieve their ratings and reviews objectives.
The Customer Success team set up a bespoke ratings and reviews workshop for the baby food brand’s front-line teams. Using the CommerceIQ’s Digital Shelf Analytics platform, the workshop centred around the following:
- building knowledge across the teams “why ratings and reviews matter on the digital shelf”
- highlight which options for generating reviews are available per retailer and which worked best
- mapping the SKU portfolio according to e.fundamentals ratings and review matrix to understand where to focus improvement efforts
- create a performance benchmark
- how the teams could monitor and optimize the performance over time
Within a month of launching actions that followed from the workshop the manufacturer increased the total number of reviews across retailers by 60%. Their average rating moved from 4.5 to 4.6. Using the category level data and working closely with CommerceIQ’s Customer Success team enabled the manufacturer to focus their budget and priorities with their ratings specialist agency to drive syndicated reviews across key retailers.
As a next step, the Customer Success team and the baby food brand will be mapping the data insights from the ratings and reviews fundamentals against the search and sales performance to further understand the impact.