
    Limited Slots: CommerceIQ’s AI-powered Deductions Management to improve profitability 💰

    July 14, 2023

    Deductions Management with Profit Recovery Automation

    Undisputed deductions eat 1-5% of a brand’s revenue

    Book free custom shortages analysis now (limited slots)

    Consumer brands are leaking too much money to invalid Amazon deductions. As your business on Amazon has grown, issues around deductions (shortages and chargebacks) have probably also grown. Typically, a brand should not have more than 1% of their Shipped COGS in Shortages. However, more and more brands have shortages between 3 – 10% of their Shipped COGS. This has increased the cost of doing business on Amazon and a leading Fortune 500 Brand had $1.9M stuck in Shortages which needed 1,600 disputes to resolve.

    Human-driven recovery efforts fall short due to:

    • Many issues were never disputed – “not enough time”
    • Complex data collection and monitoring
    • Huge volumes (1,000s of shortages per year)
    • Confusing Amazon dispute processes

    Learn more about shortages and chargebacks in the quick explainer video below

    We are currently offering a free custom analysis of your Shortages to improve Deductions Management with CommerceIQ Profit Recovery Automation. There are limited slots available and we’d love to see you there, so please register using below link to secure your spot.

    Book Shortages Analysis


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