
    šŸ”® How will you win online in 2023?

    December 20, 2022
    • RETAIL


    Hi there!

    The end of the year is in sight! How will you win in 2023?Ā Check our top content that will help you navigate the ongoing industry challenges, shifting consumer behavior, and drive profitable online growth. šŸš€

    3 things to help you win retail ecommerce in 2023:

    1. Get our newest report covering theĀ 9 ecommerce trends and predictions you need to watch in 2023.
    2. Check out theseĀ 8-dimensions you need to improve ecommerce profitability.
    3. With the rise in private label,Ā how to defend against shoppers trading down to own-label and discounters.

    Happy Holidays,

    The CommerceIQ team

    9 Predictions for 2023

    Make next year’s uncertainty a little clearer with the ecommerce trends and predictionsĀ you need to watch. Get 9 critical shopper, brand and retailer insights you need to know in our new research report.

    Get my copy ā†’

    8 Dimensions to improve profitability

    Despite the growth of ecommerce, popularity doesn’t always convert to profitability for many brands. To help, we’ve defined 8 dimensions brands need to improve ecommerce profitability.

    Read More ā†’

    Defend against white labels and own-labels

    Cheaper options are thriving as consumers trade down to manage costs. But, CPGs can defend against the threat using data-led strategies to hold their own against own-label and discounters.

    Read More ā†’

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